GreenTech 2.0 – project has started!

The co-operation project GreenTech 2.0 of five clusters operating in the Baltic Sea region begins

9/28/20221 min read

Five EU countries such as Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, and Poland are involved in the project.

The three main tasks of the project are:

  • Develop the quality of project partner network management;

  • Develop new services for network members;

  • Organize exchange visits for organizations inside and outside the networks.

The purpose of the study visits is to develop and innovate new opportunities for participating organizations. Visitors can be representatives of a wide range of organizations, including SMEs, training organizations, RDI organizations and public organizations. Visits will take place in autumn 2022 and in 2023. The project will end in January 2024.

A flat-rate allowance is reserved for participants, covering travel and accommodation costs.

Visits must be at least three days long. The visit program is tailored to the needs and interests of the entrants.

With the help of the project, you can get to know interesting organizations with the help of project actors and get useful contacts for your own activities from the project’s target areas.

The project partners are Green Net Finland (FI), Tallinn Tehnopol Science Park (EST), Dalarna Science Park (SE), Kaunas Technoogy and Science Park (LT) and Poznan Science and Technology Park (PL).

The project is supported by the EU’s COSME-Europe’s program for small and medium-sized enterprises.

If you are interested in the project, please contact any partner, contact information can be found here.