Lithuanian business cluster explored Greentech startup centers  and created new connections in Sweden

Clusters serve as dynamic catalyst for business growth and partnership development. Digital Rocket LT ICT cluster members from Tech-Park Kaunas have decided to join the GreenTech 2.0 ClusterXchange program to create a cross-border strategic partnership. The founders sought to make new connections, which will help them to shift towards green transitions, grow and scale in a more sustainable and resource-efficient way.

1/30/20243 min read

Clusters serve as dynamic catalysts for business growth and partnership development. Digital Rocket LT ICT cluster members from Tech-Park Kaunas have decided to join the GreenTech 2.0 ClusterXchange program to create a cross-border strategic partnership. The founders sought to make new connections, which will help them to shift towards green transitions, grow , and scale in a more sustainable and resource-efficient way.

Marius Krajauskas, the CEO of “Pixinn”, Tomas Bielevičius, the CEO of “Ababatech” and Valdas Grigaliūnas, the Founder of “Inosport” share their insights. They participated in the ClusterXchange program and visited Swedish clusters.

  • What was the main reason for joining the GreenTech 2.0 Cluster Exchange program?  

“The main motivation was the travel grant to visit Sweden. In the beginning, it was difficult for us to measure the benefits of this trip to the Dalarna region. The benefits and contacts we made after the trip, proved that it was worth investing in connections and live contact in general", said Marius Krajauskas, the CEO of “Pixinn.”  

Tomas Bielevičius from “Ababatech” explained that this was an opportunity to explore new tech business horizons and find some connections: “It was not only a journey to spice up the business routine of everyday life. Most importantly, I was curious to find out how co-working experiences and multicultural environments contribute to the IT workflow.”  

“My main goal was to develop and build business connections. Our wellness tech company plans to sell its products here in Lithuania but there is a small market, so we wanted to go into Scandinavian countries to establish contacts”, said Valdas Grigaliūnas from “Inosport.” 

  • What were the main benefits of the visit?

“The project exceeded expectations. There were surprises and perhaps I did not expect such a busy schedule, but as a result, I experienced a lot of different workshops, and meetups and had a lot of inspiring conversations”, says the founder of “Pixinn.”  

“This trip has a therapeutic aspect to me. I also had an opportunity to think about my business strategically. It is good to step back from everyday work and take a closer look at the whole business and the situation and the next steps to help” explains the CEO of “Ababatech”  

“In general, I am extremely glad that I have made warm business contacts. I am happy that I can reach out to the hosts of the Dalarna innovation community again if I need help. There was one company with which we still plan to work together in the future”, notes the CEO of “Inosport.”  

  • What value do you see as a business owner in joining this project, what would you recommend to others?

“The most important part of the trip was the hospitality and professionalism of the hosts. They tried to help us with everything they could, that is why we are still in touch. For this reason, they came to Lithuania after our trip and participated in the events of this project where we also met them again. The greatest impression was about cultural differences between Lithuanians and Swedish researchers. They embrace their uniqueness and make decisions collaboratively”, says Marius Krajauskas.

“The hosts were charismatic and friendly. They gave a lot of advice, shared experiences, and were very open about their community. We talked a lot about cultural differences. This has helped to understand the Swedish market. How to communicate and how to open a connection. Even though no specific projects came out of that meeting, those connections remained. When I need it, I will know what specific people can do and how they can help. In the long term, those connections will become useful. Especially considering that this is an international connection which opens new perspectives for businesses “, says Tomas Bielevičius.

“I really liked the hosts and the organizational efforts they provided for me. However, in general, I am glad that I have made warm contacts and can contact hosts again if I need help. Companies that presented information about themselves were the most memorable. I would recommend it to companies with clear goals, who know exactly what they need. "These are companies that require specific knowledge connections and want to find other businesses that closely match their Business Profile”, explains Valdas Grigaliūnas.

  • How have the connections you made already served you?

“We collaborate with one company that we met during this visit in Sweden. They send us requests from their customers about how we can be useful, and we inform them about our capabilities. So far, we have received 5 requests which we have evaluated, and we are still waiting for customer responses, so cooperation work is already underway”, says the CEO of “Pixinn.” 

“My goal was to find new clients. The project's purpose was to make connections and share experiences. I was happy to learn that the Swedish companies were interested in my services. I have made connections. I recommend this program for startups eager to scale.”, adds the CEO of “Ababatech”.

“Our company has had few overlaps with other companies since we were specifically looking for companies that work in sports rehabilitation. However, I am optimistic about the connections I have made and the people I am still in touch with” summarizes the Founder of “Inosport.”