Kick-off for Peer to Peer learning

10/19/20222 min read

The overall objective of the GreenTech 2.0 project is to enhance the collaboration of cluster organizations through learning from each other and joint activities between clusters (C2C). This will be implemented through peer-to-peer learning.

During the project, the partners in the workgroup will visit each other, getting to know each partner's services, their organisation and tools. This is based on a collegial approach whereby the collective competence and experience of the peer review team is used to improve performance. The participating team members will also be able to get in-depth knowledge and unique insight of the management in similar organisations in a transnational environment. The process will be facilitated by peer review experts from the organisation Swedish Incubators and Science Parks (SISP). In September, there was a digital kick-off to onboard all the participants of the peer-reviews. The facilitators Jakob Lindvall and Mikaela Hellberg from SISP presented the concept of peer review and described the models and tools to be used. The participants also received instructions, tips, and tricks on how to prepare themselves to get the most out of the process.

One of the participants, Jörgen Bond, who has participated in many peer-reviews both nationally and internationally shared his experience with the group:

"The most important thing about peer reviews, is the learning you get when doing research and investigating your peers, not just when you yourself are under review."

Project partner Technopol in Estonia will be the host of the first of 5 Peer Reviews and it will take place in the end of October.

In September, there was a digital kick-off to onboard all the participants of the peer-reviews. The facilitators Jakob Lindvall and Mikaela Hellberg from SISP presented the concept of peer review and described the models and tools to be used. The participants also received instructions, tips, and tricks on how to prepare themselves to get the most out of the process.

"Remember — this is a mutual learning process based on trust, transparency, and collegial joy", — said Jakob Lindvall.