Come and uncover the secrets behind Estonia’s success as a hub for innovation!

Tehnopol Greentech Cluster in collaboration with GreenTech2.0 project is offering a unique opportunity to sign up for a three-day visit to Tallinn in 9-11 October 2023.

9/21/20231 min read

This three-day visit in October aims to introduce you to the key players in Estonia’s vibrant entrepreneur and investment community and will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the Estonian entrepreneurship ecosystem and how it enables the expansion of Greentech ventures.

Participants of a transnational exchange can be representatives of cluster organisations and similar business network organisations, scaling-up support organisations (such as tech centres, research institutes, (digital) innovation hubs, fab labs, creative hubs, resource-efficiency service providers, incubators, accelerators) and SMEs that are cluster members from countries participating in the COSME programme. These organizations are entitled to receive a lump sum of 335 EUR for their participation.

Find the Agendas:

🟢 9-11 OCT at TALLINN

🟢 13-15 NOV at TALLINN

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